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A late congratulations on the Cacoward this received. I found this mod last week and have been having quite a bit of fun with it. I do however have some thoughts I'd like to share about Quote as a long-time fan of Cave Story.

The set's visual presentation is excellent with the exception of the Spur. A simple sprite shake for charging the weapon is fine but the movements should be smaller, currently it looks very goofy and stands out against the otherwise smooth weapon animation this set has. Alternatively the charge animation could be a pulsating muzzle flash. The beam also just looks bad but I'm not sure how you could fix that within the confines of Zandronum.

Mechanically Quote mostly works as I expect but I noticed five things:

  • The Spur's uncharged shot fire rate is too low. This is confusing since the level 3 Polar Star works as expected, the Spur's uncharged shot in CS is the exact same just with no projectile limit. (The level 3 Polar Star's is 4)
  • The Cyberdemon has massive damage resistance against the Spur's charged beams for some reason. In my opinion this is unwarranted. Nearly three seconds of charge time for 300 damage on an enemy with 4,000 health is just terrible. I think the Spur is a bit underpowered anyway for how long it takes to fully charge it, the highest damage I was able to score on any single enemy was 700 and that's only because the Spider Mastermind has a gargantuan hitbox. Damage on average-sized targets is 500 and that's not even consistent, just the average if the entire beam connects which it almost never does against moving targets.
  • The Nemesis doesn't function as expected. In CS it's fast-as-you-can-mash semi-auto but with a projectile limit of 2. In BYOC it's been made full auto with a slow rate of fire.
  • The level 3 Missile Launcher consumes three rockets. In CS it didn't do that. With no damage boost given to the individual rockets it just makes having a level 3 launcher undesirable in BYOC. Level 2 is much more efficient with greater damage potential.
  • The level 2 Blade is missing the 20% damage increase it's supposed to have in exchange for the lower range.

And lastly, a small suggestion. I'd love to see an implementation of the Turbocharger and/or Whimsical Star. I have no idea if this is possible but a way I could see it working is having them put into a pool alongside the Arms Barrier and having one of the two/three be given to Quote at an equal chance upon getting a chainsaw pickup.

Thanks for reading this ungodly long comment. Good luck with future updates. :)

Thank you for your feedback. Always appreciated.

The spur definitely should not be much weaker against boss monsters and the rocket launcher shouldn't be charging 3 rockets per shot at level 3.

The BFG needs a bigger look, but level 2 is the highest DPS Quote has on an individual target and it's a free weapon. Level 3 is situational, being really good against more conservative maps filled with non boss monsters, but it fails to output higher DPS on slaughter maps.It's important for us to keep doomguy relevant. In this case, Doomguy's BFG is more flexible but costs ammo, making him more viable in different scenarios. 

do you need DOOM 2 for this to work?


yes yes you do

i'm quite curious on how Fesh managed to get monster-pack friendly headshots without zscript, that's pretty impressive

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it utilizes some acs magic but heres the simple run down 

Bullet puff height (z value) is given to the monster, and the acs script is activated.

The Acs script creates a "head" range for monster (between monsters height + z value and monsters height - monsters height / 4 + z value), basically it gets the top area of the monster. If the bullet height value given to the monster falls in that range, it registers a headshot. The headshot in this case causes enemies under 70 hp to die instantly, and enemies above that to take 15 extra damage

Hopefully that explains it, acs is handy but also a finnicky thing, and even i was shocked that it worked. Just pray any custom monster doesnt have thier head on the lower part of the hitbox :)


Buff Pico please ;-; I even made a whole Video on it. He just isn't as fun as he was and feels super underpowered

Think it's good getting these kinds of videos, as we don't often get weapon feedback. Thank you for your time. We'll look into it for the upcoming small zandronum update.

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I wonder if this particular bug already being reported where quote's polar star cannot level up (caused by the enabled weapon-reset every after map), and it eventually levels up after some way I do not know.

image.png what did this move even do in older versions? and will come back in a new version?

i'm not sure if it was ever implemented but i am interested to see what it'd do

Bob & Bob went through the most reworks a class has. For this, the bobs could only carry one weapon, but you could roll for another weapon after collecting cards from enemies.

When Worlds Collide

if only this was made possible. imagine BYOC with Chex Quest

It is compatible with Chex Quest on the GZDoom. Soon to come for zandronum on the next update.

but are we talking Chex Quest 1 or 3? also, i noticed something about the mod as of late. it seems some monster only mods won't quite work with this. like for example, i was trying out an old version of Ashes 2063 enemies for the Ashes mod itself. and it worked out fine, but then i tried out the newer monsters pack. and it gave an error

Whatever uses the Chex quest items is compatible, it's something zDoom and its successors check for as their own different actors.

As for Ashes 2063, it seems like they introduced their own weapons laters, which is what's probably causing conflicts. Zandronum doesn't mind these but GzDoom's Zscripts do. It's the reason why other gameplay mods won't work with stuff like MyHouse.wad unless you remove the custom weapon stuff yourself. Not much we can do on our side about that.


BYOC for GZDOOM?! Come on?! Did you really decide to create a Mod for this Source Port? You made me happy! A Real Gift for Christmas and New Year! Thanks!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


zane lofton from slayers x would be a interesting class to play as.

Hey, I noticed Niko's eyes don't glow, will this be fixed in an upcoming patch?

Not on tomorrow's update. Maybe early next year.



Congratulations on receiving the Cacoward! You deserve it! This is one of the Awesome Multiclass Mods I've played!

Cacowards 2023 Gameplay Mods


Thank you!

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Hello! Made an itch account just for this but I have a question. Am I allowed to use assets from this mod with permission and with crediting for another Zandronum mod I am making? I will not be mostly directly copy pasting, some things I will edit to my liking. I won't be using that much of the mod either. Thank you!

Depends, what is it that you want to use?

I'd like to use the Peppino class with my own modifications please.

Late response, but sure. Just credit people for whichever resources you've used from Peppino, as while the sprites were made by McPig, the coding was me and Basinga, while the HUD is Lother's.

Thank you very much! I appreciate it! I will make sure to give credit.

The movement in Zandronum seems to be at a lower framerate than the rest of the game. Is this normal?

i have putted doom2.wad in the file when i select it the game does not start what i have to d

Try to launch the game using the Windows command executable. if it doesn't find the file Zandronum will ask you to direct it to the file containing the Doom2 wad and it should launch afterwards.
That operation is only necessary to do once.



Peppino is really smooth to play the noise is also a really fun class but he is kind of slow im going to say I cannot play Doom 2 without this mod 

so i downloaded the 1.0a version, and nothing is there at all. i even tried to get the all in one thing, and it says there's a error problem with the mod. are we like, suppose to run the old and new one together. or. something else going on?

with the all in one, did you put the Doom2 Wad where it asks you to put it? And then run the BYOC Singleplayer.bat?
Because that may be caused by that.

no. cause when i tried to get the all in one version, the wad was broken. or corrupted, thus i couldn't extract it to even use it. and whenever i got the solo wad file itself. i loaded it up with Doom 2 and it was literally nothing. just played as if it was just me loading up Doom 2 vanilla style

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When loading BYOC, try to drag and drop only the BYOC pk3 onto the Zandronum launcher.
Zandronum should automatically detect the Doom2 wad if it's in the same folder as it.
There shouldn't be a need to extract the files contained in the wad or, in this case, the pk3, this would only break the reading process.
There is a chance that your download was corrupted at some point.
I've downloaded the two different files on my side and these work perfectly fine.
That is the only explanations that came to my mind, I hope you will be able to play our mod.
Maybe try to put the solo pk3 into the all in one file. Maybe that will fix the problem since the pk3 seemed to be broken in the latter on your end.

well. i don't know if you or someone did something recent like, or if it's just the luck of trying again. but i managed to get the mod from the all in one package

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I don't know what did happen but I'm glad to see that you will be able to enjoy our mod now.

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unused content it's Homer

Yeh scotty and I showed screenshot of this. Excited for people to play him soon.

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Sick as hell but i want some stealth classes (more specifically, edited versions of the classes that you can swap between to do stealth or loud) Hell, i wouldnt even care if a shotgun was stealthy.

We still need to do a general stealth pass, where we see which weapons shouldn't be drawing attention, such as killer46 silenced uzis.

But on having someone fully focused on stealth, we haven't tried having a dedicated class yet. A couple of us did find on single player it can be busted if the character just doesn't alert enemies ever, clearing them slowly one by one without any risks or general downsides, but it being nearly irrelevant in co-op, the main focus of the mod.

Ah yeah, makes sense. Coop is a huge part. It would be amazing to have stealth classes though but yeah i agree. I play singleplayer alot, and sometimes i do Co-Op with friends. 

Don't think a class that's focused on single stealth kills is out of the question, like someone who sneaks near an archvile and kills it before starting a fight, while being generally weaker on straight up fights vs doomguy.

We'll see about it!


Oh, ok. Awesome! Been loving what you guys have been doing.


HUGE props to whoever made the quote class, the weapon sprites are really well made and all of the weapons feel really nice and behave just how i would expect them to in 3D and are really faithful (well except for the blade, but that's because it had to become the bfg)

This mod is great, but the only isue is: Where can i find the alt fire bind (i cant find it in the settings)


It's called Secondary Fire and the second option in the customize controls options. It's usually mapped by default to Right click.


Thanks Man

sorry for the other question, but ¿how i (for example) eat the pizza with peppino? bcs i cant do that

It was cut from the class

So yet I Bring my OWN CLASS

Class name:Combine Assassin

Character Origin:Half life 2 (Beta)


Fists:GMOD Fists


Pistol:Dual Pistols

Shotgun:Spas 12

DB Shotgun:Combine Sniper rifle


Rocket Launcher:Resistent Launcher

Plasma Gun:Pulse Rifle

BFG:Tau Cannon (Beta)

Howdy! this is a great mod! but i gotta report a bug, when playing quote i get the SSG when getting the shotgun and vice versa. just telling in case you don't know.

Aye, thank you for letting us know. We got this patched up for the next big update.

Good to Hear!


I don't know if anyone has reported this, but "grin/EVL0" face sprites are broken for everyone, when characters like Doomguy, Dr. Doomguy and Heavy pick up a new weapon their respective grin sprite doesn't show up, it's something super minor but I thought it'd be of note. 

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Yeah we know. It was a sacrifice done to have weapon pickups give classes their respective weapon. 

A positive side effect is that it removes the annoyance of forced weapon swaps on pickup which screws us up in some fights.

Hello, I am really enjoying the game so far.

One small problem though, Bob&bob's comic sprites do not fit the screen.

I tried hud_scale but that only resizes the rest of the hud.

Any idea how to fix? Thank you.

The weapon sprites pig made were made earlier on and only support wide screen, so they might stick out or not show up at regular resolutions.


Thank you I got it fixed by fiddling around with the display options.

I have made a video showcasing the gameplay of the two Bobs Have a look if ya want!


Awesome! Pig brings them up every blue moon but he still has a soft spot for em.


I can imagine, he probably made them before Pizza Tower.

Plus I really like their abstract designs.

I am a fan of mouths that go around the whole head.

(Oh by the way, while I was swapping the music files around, I noticed an animation where Bob is used as a slot machine, and another "death" animation where they are turned into stacks. Are these in the game?)

i can't say anything about the slot machine animation, but i believe that the death animation where they both turn into stacks is an XDeath (gib) animation


might i ask, how come Melty Man's fists alert enemies, but his trashcan, pipe and teddy don't?


We need to do a big overview, internally, on which weapons alert enemies and dont at some point. We usually play loud so we don't pay attention to this inconsistency at times. Thanks for the reminder!

why would you make a singleplayer-only doom mod that only works on the source port designed for multiplayer


That mod is intended for CO-OP and CAN be played solo if you want. Devs are emphasizing co-op and that's why they made the mod for zandronum.

What 1motlok here said. It's best played Co-op. We recommend using TSPG to host a free server to play with your friends!

does this have a actual official online server?

No, but occasionally in doomseeker there will be some servers open that run byoc.

I had a question while playing one wad as Heavy. Why exactly you gave him a family business for a SSG? I'm just failing on to notice it's benefits.

The main benefit is you have 8 extra shots before having to reload anything, since heavys shotgun reloads can be time consuming. You can burn all 6 on the normal shotgun then burn 8 more on the family business.


how the FUCK do you even install this the fucking instructions ARE JUST A IMAG

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Oh yeah, that's true. I fixed that. I hope the instructions are clear enough.


I know this bug was reported before, but I heard that the BYOC team had issues replicating the crash bug with Trollface's Niko doll so I compiled all the footage I have related to this. I hope it helps.


Don't worry we patched it for the next big update. But I've been considering doing a mini update for the current version to patch this.

It is very in line for trollface to do this, though.

how the heck do i make it work properly

You need Zandronum 3.1 and Doom 2 in the folder where your Zandronum exe is.

Then you can just drag and drop the pk3 (+ any mapset you want to use) into Zandronum.exe.


also do i download the installer or the archive

I'd recommend the portable (zip file with zandronum exe inside), since it's easy to keep accesible in "My Documents" instead of "Program Files"

how do i activate the hud

Press the "-" key until it pops up. There's another tip about it on the FAQ too.

i love yo sir thanks so much


I found a bug: if you use rayman's fist's altfire and the projectile hits the edge of the skybox, you can't use his fist's altfire again for the rest of the playthrough (or until you switch classes)


I have to say, while i overall think The Melty Man is a great class, i feel like he's somewhat lacking in terms of crowd control. I think he could do with a ground slam ability. Maybe he could even pick up and throw explosive barrels, like in GMOTA.


McPig surprised us with this last class and I think it's pretty fun. For crowd control, do try the haymaker (chaingun pickup) with alt fire on his melee.

Throwing barrels would be awesome but McPig's too busy these days to make new sprites, so we're not sure if we'll be able to do this in the near future.


Also worth mentioning that the haymaker does fling explosive barrels forward when used on them

yeah, that is true but barrels are usually placed on a map in such a way that you'd have poor luck trying to fling them into enemies with the melty haymaker like that


About a week ago I tried reporting a bug that caused players to gain noclip and become untouchable by monsters (I think it has to do with megaman throwing one of his summons into a wall), but that post has been stuck pending for approval likely due to the youtube video link. Not sure if this post will make it through, but I wanted to add that the new version of zandronum has a bug where if you play on a map with around 1k monsters, then use bandit bowie's plasma rifle with a charge shot it will cause you to have massive packet loss and you have to reconnect to recover. 

Thanks for letting us know about both. We'll see if we can fix this stuff :)


One of the Best Multiclass Mods I've played!

I have only one grudge: I won't be able to play for Fred Chexter in his own WADs Series!

Creators, please adapt the Mod for "DOOM" and "Chex Quest Trilogy"! I want to play "Chex Quest" with a New Arsenal!

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I liked the Mod so much that I wrote an opinion about it: Overview on DOOMGUY.RU.

I think that the Work will pull on Cacoward in the Multiplayer Category!

Thanks! I had to read it on google translate, but our local revenatn can read this properly.

i'd like to report a (very) minor visual bug: none of the classes' mugshot's EVL sprites (the sprites that show up when you get a new gun) properly display during gameplay


This is currently a limitation with how we give each class their own weapon from universal pickups and how they aren't forced on your hand right away. 


Finally figured out how to make that work!

Will old/removed classes ever make a return to byoc such as spy or anton?


Some of those may return in later versions but they will be reworked.

please make a monster randomizer for bring your own class?

it's on zandronums

here is list of monsters:

doom monsters

quake monsters

wolfenstein monsters

monsters from other games

custom monsters

(but why say that this mod is exculsive to zandronums?)

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Because it is exclusive to Zandronum

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