Quick update to BYOC 1.5: New Quickstart guide.

While we are working on the content for the next version of BYOC, ICARUSLIVES is making a series of short talking about each class present in our mod. And these have brought to our attention some problems with the current build in terms of clarity about what some classes can do and how they work.

So while we are working on that weve quickly put together a Quickstart Guide quickly telling what are the needed controls for each class present in version 1.5.3 and what these can do.

We hope this will help people quickly getting into a class without having to read a 200+ pages manual.


BYOC v1.5 Quick Guide.pdf 7.5 MB
Mar 27, 2024

Get Bring Your Own Class


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hola basinga, tengo una pregunta, yo y un amigo estamos haciendo un pack de personajes para ring racers, bueno lo que te quiero preguntar es si nuestro pack de personajes puede llamarse "BringYourOwnKart" en la descripción del mod vamos aclarar que solo es un fan project de byoc, y porcierto también tenemos permiso de usar algunos sprites de byoc? como los de peddito (3d) y noise (en la patineta) para ponerlos en el mod, daremos los respectivos créditos a los creadores originales (como kyoobot quien es la que hizo los sprites de noise), gracias :-) (aquí una imagen de uno de los varios karts que llevamos)

Interesante. No pos con que den creditos al usar los sprites no hay problema. Buena suerte

Muchas gracias :D, no pensé que me responderías jeje, y espero que te vaya todo bien con la nnueva versión de byoc, que la llevo esperando, saludos desde Venezuela

how can i be part of byoc? im working on a character that im sure people will enjoy!

Tough question. We used to allow anyone with the Gamer role to join before the official PT discord ended. We're looking into supporting add-on classes though.

I dont use discord cuz ye

(The real reason why i dont use discord is because i dont like talking on a platform full of predators)

it's good to stay safe

soo, is it possible for me to join? (not trying to be rude) pls and thank you 

Sorry, not at the moment. Work has slowed down at the moment as well in terms of output and organizing stuff